Kayla Miller graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas in 2015. After bouncing around many different majors, from pre-med to art education, she settled on a concentration in Drawing and Painting. Her body of work during this time consisted of both figural and abstract large scale oil and acrylic paintings.

Shortly after graduating, Kayla went on to become a Registered Nurse. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Texas Woman’s University, which she received in 2018.

She currently divides her time between creating art and working as a wound care nurse. She runs a small business, Pale Muse, which she opened in 2009. There you can find a variety of items that Kayla makes including art, jewelry, candles, stickers, and handwoven beaded earrings.

Pale Muse Shop

Her current focus is on learning and creating pieces highlighting the Cherokee language and Cherokee culture. Being an at-large citizen, Kayla stays involved by volunteering with the Cherokee Community of North Texas.

As of May 2023, she became a Cherokee Nation TERO Artist.

Kayla resides in North Texas with her husband, three children, two dogs, one cat, and turtle Squishy.